Weird ep warning: I’m calling in a quick favor today, dude. Would LOVE and so appreciate it if you’d play along!

If you’ve enjoyed any or all of these podcast episodes, this week I’m (selfishly and shamelessly) asking you to take two minutes (or less) to leave a rating + review to tell me so.

WHY? Because I’m at the very beginning (fun AND awkward) stages of writing my first book, have NO shortage of ideas, and could use some aligned human (aka dreamie) reflections to serve as bumpers in the bowling lane at the moment.

This review doesn’t need to be fancy, clever, or any certain length. TRUTH is what I’m looking for. I’d just love to know why you tune in to this podcast. It can be a particular message or solo episode… a key takeaway, perspective shift, or even a feeling.

Just let me know you’re out there – and what you’re getting from these convos we’ve been having in my guest room studio 😉

BONUS: If you’re listening to this LIVE as it goes up – when you leave a review, screenshot it, and tag me @nikkielledgebrown in your Instastory between now and Friday 12/21/18, you’ll be on the short list of potential dreamies who could win a free 1:1 sesh with me.

And finally – if you love the idea of working with me 1:1 – personalized pep talks, reality checks, friendtorship sessions, etc. – GOOD! Because I’m opening up a few 1:1 spots for 2019.

Visit workwithnikki.com to apply and tell me more about what you’re looking for.

If I think we’d make a great match, I’ll let you know, and if not, I’ll do my best to point you in the direction of someone or something that can help you with your next right step.

Sound good? SWEET.

Meet me in the ep if you want more details, or tap on over to leave your review now.

THANK YOU in advance for making the time <3



(These weren’t actually mentioned in this ep. I’m just leaving them here in case you want ’em ;))


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Take a look around my digi-homebase: nikkielledgebrown.com

Sign up for free writing tips: acourseaboutcopy.com


  • Like what you hear? If SO, be sure to subscribe to Naptime Empires™ on iTunes. Or Stitcher. Or Google Play.
  • For (SINCERELY appreciated) bonus points: Leave me a rating + review! Even just a couple quick words will help MORE entrepreneurial mamas find the show.
  • Use the hashtag #naptimeempires to join the conversation on social media. (Not to be a creeper, but I LOVE seeing pics of what you’re doing while you listen! Laundry? Walking? Hiding in the closet?)
  • Have a comment, Q, or idea for a future show? Gimme the scoop using the form HERE.

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