If you’re sitting on the figurative sidelines of your own life or business, feeling stuck in imposter syndrome and excuses – why you’re not qualified, why your voice isn’t as valuable as the so-and-so the next tab over, why it’s just not the right time to share that message you genuinely feel called to share…pull up an earbud and get comfy, friend.
In this ep I share some ideas / reframes to help you shift OUT of imposter syndrome and INTO joining the conversation. Owning YOUR perspective for what it is at the moment, trusting that if and when your understanding shifts, you’ll know what to do next. I also encourage you to practice discernment as a *consumer* – because once you realize we’re all just making this ish up as we go, you’ll realize how subjective “the conversation” really is.
Get in the game, dude. We need you to play your part.
(And as you do – take a screenshot and tag me on Instagram @nikkielledgebrown – I’ll meet you on the field ;))
Have a listen and tag me in your Instastory @nikkielledgebrown with your fave aha!
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