We often talk about the value in hiring help in biz and hiring help at home (with childcare, home maintenance, etc).
In this episode I highlight the value of enlisting support for YOU – not as a parent, not as a biz owner, but as the one wearing all the hats. The WHOLE you.
When you’re feeling stuck, unclear, not sure what your next right step may be, having (a trusted) someone for YOU can be the ultimate guardrail to help you stay on YOUR path.
For more on this, take a listen, give it a go, and as always – let me know your fave takeaway by taking a screenshot (or a selfie as you listen) + tagging me on Instagram @nikkielledgebrown with #naptimeempires.
I’ll meet you there!
POD: Why I’m obsessed with journaling (+ you may be too) NE 037
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