Andrea Crowder is a transformation coach who focuses on physical, financial and mindset. She is the creator of the Me First Movement™ Challenge. She teaches women how to create physical and financial wealth, freedom, and joy… UNAPOLOGETICALLY – so we can show up in the world in a bigger and more audacious way.
If you’ve heard my story you’ve probably heard me share about how I worked with over 100 entrepreneurs in that first summer of my business – Andrea was one of them. Part of my 2013 dream team.
We had a BLAST during our call together – both feisty women married to military dudes named Jeremy. Over the years she’s become a great biz buddy of mine. (She and Rachel Luna are super close friends too – Rachel gets a shout out in this episode, which feels like a great opportunity to remind you to check out HER Naptime Empires™ episode #008 if you haven’t yet. Super powerful.)
ANYWAY – back to the powerhouse who is Andrea. We recorded this convo toward the end of 2016 and when I listened back to it today I had to smile at the synchronistic timing of sharing it with you NOW.
We talk about so many ahas and insights that I’ve highlighted in each of the solo episodes (and will continue to) because we both agree that selfish is the new selfless.
When we take great care of ourselves, EVERYBODY benefits.
“I have weeks where I’m like, ‘Man, I am on fire, I’m getting so much done,’ and weeks where I’m like, ‘What is happening, where am I?’”
“People get so focused on the prize that they forget about the journey and they forget about the people.”
“I never really had a plan B.”
“It didn’t really matter if I was getting paid the big bucks YET because I was really enjoying what I was doing.”
There’s always more to talk about after the show (seriously – every time I stop recording I think oh WAIT! I could’ve shared this too!). Make sure you join The Naptime Empires Playground on Facebook to add your voice to the conversation.
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