I’ve been reading some really interesting parenting books lately (will have to do full book reports in other episodes – they’re REALLY good).
One of my fave takeaways from Magical Parent, Magical Child, for example, is the fact that we are MEANT to learn from the kiddos in our lives.
The childlike qualities of curiosity, wonder, playfulness, resilience… they’re invaluable. But if we’re not SUPER mindful of that, we tend to let those qualities atrophy as we transform into “grownups.”The inspiration for this particular ep came from my two-year-old teacher named Deacon.
He’s recently started speaking in full on paragraphs, you see.
Well – pseudo paragraphs.
There aren’t a ton of clear WORDS in the paragraphs yet, but they’re coming.
To HIM they’re clear. And he’s testing the waters to see how we react.
He’s learning by doing – without fear of sounding silly or nonsensical.
By using his voice, he’s finding his voice.
In this ep, I share how we can do the same.
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