Shift out of overwhelm (comparison, hiding in the bathroom, etc.) and into inspired, aligned action with this free on-demand email + audio series. Practical pep talks delivered right to your inbox for your #onherterms pleasure.

“Down to earth and hilarious…”

“A podcast that GETS me…”

"Like having coffee with your best girlfriend..."

“Loving the honesty and encouragement…”

“It’s SO nice to know you’re not alone in this beautiful, messy juggle…”

Chasing big dreams and tiny humans? Ready to take a breath and allow yourself to be supported so you can get back to feeling like yourSELF again?

Click the yellow button and this just-for-you email-and-audio series will be delivered directly to your inbox like magic.

  • practical advice from inspiring entrepreneurial moms: a treasure trove of real stories and lessons learned
  • when you're comparing yourself to everyone on the internet: no BS reframes to help you cut that ish out
  • when you're feeling overwhelmed: practical tips for clearing your mind and taking your power back
  • when the resistance is STRONG...: reframes to help you get moving on what matters
  • when you're feeling blah...: ideas to try when you've lost your spark
  • when you crave intuitive guidance / inspiration cooties: ideas to help you find your next right step


Here's what you can look forward to once you're signed up... 🤗

In this email-plus-audio series, you’ll learn:

  • Unfiltered stories + insights from entrepreneurial moms who GET THIS LIFE
  • My best (counter-intuitive) advice for entrepreneurial moms trying to be, do, have it all (at ONCE)
  • The real story behind how I made $21k in my first six weeks of business
  • How to overcome imposter syndrome and share your wisdom with those who need it
  • What to try when your energy is drained, your brain is full, and you’re stuck in overwhelm
  • Practical tips for breaking through resistance (+ how to decipher what that resistance is telling you)
  • Tried + tested tools to help you reconnect with your spark and inspiration

As a Naptime Empires® insider, you’ll also receive:

  • An invite to join my private FB community, The Naptime Empires® Playground
  • First dibs on private client spots as they come available
  • Behind-the-scenes scoop + on Naptime Empires®: THE BOOK!

Click below to get your guide + become a #naptimeempires insider now:


“Genuine. Refreshing. Funny. Transparent. Personal. Inspiring. Nikki makes this ‘biz newbie’ feel like I am not alone in this crazy, amazing Naptime Empire adventure. This is a space for everyone to come as you are {wherever you are} and feel welcomed with open arms. Nikki reminds us that we are enough.

“Sometimes it can be discouraging to hear successful mom-preneurs talk about strategies without the struggle. I appreciate how Nikki is open about where it's been difficult to juggle between the priorities of motherhood and career and business - even if she's still in the space of the unknown, which is where so many of us find ourselves anyway! While she gives great guidance, I mostly love the podcast because it helps me feel less alone on this journey.

“As a mom and new entrepreneur, Nikki hit on some core feelings that have been swirling in my head, but then offered simple, actionable wisdom that got me off the hamster wheel.

Calming and refreshing rather than the go, go, go make you feel guilty vibe of most male-led business podcasts. Nikki makes you feel better about yourself, rested and restored, ready to take some action rather than drained by all the things you can’t possibly get done.”

“If you're a biz owner and need some "refreshingly honest" conversations about family life, you've found your peeps. Nikki is there like a good friend to listen with the most non judgemental energy imaginable. Such good stuff.”

“It's refreshing to know that I’m not the only mama out there who sometimes finds it hard to run a biz and a family. Listening to her podcast helped me remember that big things are possible and that I'm not alone in the journey of entrepreneurship + motherhood.”

“I feel like Nikki has my back. She is smart, funny, insightful, and never takes herself too seriously. And did I mention she KNOWS her STUFF? Can't wait for more episodes!”

“Seriously the best stories, insights, and practical ideas for parenting and entrepreneurship! I love the transparency about what really goes into building a business/making an impact when you’re also raising and focused on your little ones. Nikki and her guests get it because they live it!

“Nikki is this awesome combination of crazy smart and down-to-earth. She's warm, real, and honest, while delivering great information that all of us ambitious, family-lovin' women can learn from. Love it.”

“Listening to this podcast is like having coffee with your best girlfriend. You know the one... the friend you can cry to and laugh with. The one that calls you out on your crap but is the first to believe in your crazy ambitious plans. So pour a cup, listen in, and get to work!”

“This is just what I was hoping it would be - getting to know Nikki, hearing her talk about her home life and business life and how the two fit together - it's a great way to relieve the solo entrepreneur loneliness! Really helpful and uplifting.”

Fact: There’s no one RIGHT way to raise a wonderful human.

Fact: There’s no one RIGHT way to build a successful business.

Fact: It’s seriously comforting to know you’re not the only one trying to do both at the same time.

Click below to get your guide + become a #naptimeempires insider now:

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